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Folgende Inhalte sind verboten:

  1. Inhalte, die gegen geltendes Recht und Persönlichkeits- und Eigentumsrechte Dritter verstoßen;
  2. Inhalte, die als beleidigend, verleumderisch oder geschäftsschädigend erachtet werden;
  3. Inhalte, die als pornographisch, gewaltverherrlichend, missbräuchlich, sittenwidrig, rassistisch und/oder fremdenfeindlich eingestuft werden;
  4. Inhalte, die gegen Jugendschutzgesetze verstoßen;
  5. Inhalte, die andere Nutzer unangemessen belästigen;
  6. Inhalte, die Geschäftspraktiken verwenden oder fördern, die als unlauterer Wettbewerb gelten, einschließlich Geldeinzahlung-Systeme mit Kundengewinnungspraktiken (wie Kettenvertriebssysteme, Verkauf auf mehreren Ebenen oder Pyramidenverkäufe).


  • Kurz gesagt: kein Spamming, Trolling, Bashing!
  • Sei immer freundlich und höflich. Behandle andere mit Respekt.
  • Belästige und beleidige niemanden und unterlasse persönliche Angriffe.Weder allein noch als Gruppe. Das Veröffentlichen oder die Androhung von Veröffentlichung von personen-identifizierenden Informationen ("doxing") wird als Belästigung ausgelegt.
  • Kontaktiere keine Nutzer:innen die angegeben haben, dass sie nicht kontaktiert werden möchten.
  • Die Nutzung oder Befürwortung von rassistischer, sexistischer, homophober, transphober, behindertenfeindlicher und anderweitig diskriminierender oder hasserfüllter Sprache wird nicht geduldet
  • Verharmlosende oder gutheißende Inhalte zu Weißer Vorherrschaft, Antisemitismus, Transphobie oder anderen hasserfüllten Ideologien werden nicht geduldet.
  • Nochmal ganz deutlich: Wir dulden keine nationalistische Propaganda, keine Nazi-Symbolik und keine Förderung der Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus!
  • Poste keine pornographischen oder sexualisierten Inhalte. Dazu gehören auch Witze und Kommentare.
  • Halte dich an die in Deutschland geltenden Gesetze (verbietet u.a. auch gewaltverherrlichende Inhalte).
  • Veröffentliche keinen Spam oder kommerzielle Werbung für illegale Geldeinzahlungs Systeme. Dass bedeutet, wenn die veröffentlichten Inhalte keinen persönlichen Bezug aufweisen und eindeutig dazu gedacht sind, direkt oder indirekt Geld durch Geld Einzahlung zu erwirtschaften.
  • Nutze den Ban-Button für Posts und NSFW Inhalten im Falle von kontroversen, aufrührerischen oder triggernden Themen. NSFW bedeutet: Nicht sicher für den Arbeitsplatz“ und wird verwendet, um Videos, Fotos oder Inhalte zu kennzeichnen, die Gewalt, Sex oder andere unangemessene Inhalte enthalten.
  • Keine Killerphrasen, Scheinargumente, schwarze Rhetorik oder Sophismus.
  • Diskutiere die Moderationsentscheidungen nicht in öffentlichen Gruppen.
  • Nachgewiesene Falschinformationen/Fakenews (inkl. Verschwörungstheorien) sind hier unerwünscht.

Transparenzbericht gemäß § 4 Abs. 1 und 2 KoPl G

Am 1. Januar 2021 ist das österreichische Bundesgesetz über Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Nutzer auf Kommunikationsplattformen (Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz – KoPl-G) in Kraft getreten. Ziel des KoPl-G ist die Schaffung klarer Verantwortlichkeiten der Plattformbetreiber und Gewährleistung effizienter Beschwerdemechanismen zur Hintanhaltung rechtswidriger Inhalte auf Kommunikations-plattformen.

Diensteanbieter sind nach dem KoPl-G verpflichtet, jährlich, im Fall von Kommunikationsplattformen mit über einer Million registrierten Nutzern halbjährlich, einen Bericht über den Umgang mit Meldungen über behauptete rechtswidrige Inhalte zu erstellen. Unsere Transparenzberichte werden hier automatisiert veröffentlicht.

Information pursuant to Section 93(1) of the German Interstate Media Treaty (MStV)

What kind of content is available on
The platform provides members with content – mainly text, images, and audio and video recordings – from various sources. is an online business network, meaning that the content provided is primarily geared towards careers, individual sectors of industry, and the economy as a whole. All such content complies with conventional netiquette, applicable legislation, and journalistic standards.

The following content is prohibited:
  • Content which violates applicable legislation and third-party personality and property rights;
  • Content deemed insulting, defamatory or detrimental to business;
  • Content deemed to be pornographic, violence-glorifying, abusive, immoral, racist and/or xenophobic;
  • Content which violates legislation for the protection of minors;
  • Content which unreasonably annoys other users;
  • Content which uses or promotes any commercial practices considered unfair competition, including progressive customer acquisition practices (such as chain distribution systems, multilevel selling or pyramid sales).

There are four types of content:
  • Content from members:
Posts (which may contain text, images and links to external content) shared by members’ direct contacts
Posts which members’ contacts like, comment on or share
Information about contacts’ profile updates and new contacts.
  • Content from sources that members follow (e.g. news pages, Insiders, companies, groups and events)
  • recommendations (automated or curated), e.g. other members, job ads, news articles and feeds, and posts by members who aren’t direct contacts
  • Sponsored content (paid posts in various parts of the platform)
In some cases, the same kind of content will be clustered, e.g. if several contacts have their birthday on the same day. Content may also be picked and sorted, particularly if there is a lot of content available, and then served to members with priority given to content deemed most relevant to the given member.

The following information describes how this works.

About content types 1 and 2:
Members are served prioritised content deemed to be of interest to them, in turn making members more likely to engage with the content. Content prioritisation is based on criteria derived from past usage data:
  • To what extent do members engage with this kind of post? Certain members prefer to read certain post types, e.g. shared links or news articles
  • Have a lot of other users read this post as well? If so, it’s likely to be of more interest to members who haven’t seen it yet
  • How important is the person or source who posts content to the member? Priority will be given to posts by persons or sources that a member has often engaged with in the past
  • What level of social interaction (likes, comments, shares) does a post receive? The greater the interaction, the more interesting it’s likely to be.
  • How old is the post? Depending on the kind of post used, the older it is, the less relevant it’s likely to be.
  • Was the post already shown to a member? Displaying posts to a member multiple times decreases their priority

All of these criteria are used to determine the order in which posts are displayed to individual members.

These criteria are the same for every member. However, the weighting applied to the criteria may change at any time as a result of system optimisations designed to make content more relevant for members.

Content findability can’t be influenced by paying a fee or by means of any other direct or indirect financial consideration. Individual content, an affiliate’s content (Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act - AktG), and cooperation partners’ content will not be given special treatment.

Individual prioritisation of content only applies to certain pages, e.g. the homepage, topic portfolios, and e-mail newsletters. Nevertheless, it’s always possible to view all of the posts for a certain feed or source as there are special areas specifically for this in member profiles and on companies and news pages. There, posts are sorted by date of posting (this also applies to group forums and event pages). All of a member’s posts are also listed by date of posting on the homepage.

About content type 3:
Content types 1 and 2 are based on member activity, e.g. following company news and news pages, and adding new contacts. Content type 3 is where actively recommends posts to members, labelling them as suggestions or recommendations.

The idea behind these recommendations is to provide members with as many new opportunities to add new contacts and as much new relevant content as possible. Recommendations are individualised, meaning that information about each member is used to deliver content manually or in an automated fashion.

The information about each member used varies depending on the type of post, e.g. job ad, text post, event recommendation.

This information may include, e.g. the place of work or industry listed in the member’s profile, ideal employers on company pages, or the member’s required salary. Recommendations are also based on user behaviour, i.e. content the member engaged with by way of views, clicks and comments.

These criteria are the same for every member. However, the weighting applied to the criteria may change at any time as a result of system optimisations designed to make content more relevant for members.

Content findability can’t be influenced by paying a fee or by means of any other direct or indirect financial consideration. Individual content, an affiliate’s content (Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act - AktG), and cooperation partners’ content will not be given special treatment.

About content type 4:
Some parts of the platform display sponsored content with the aim of providing our members with matching content while ensuring good performance for our advertisers.

Slots for sponsored posts are subject to rules on where and how often they’re displayed. Content type 4 is clearly distinguishable from other content thanks to the ‘sponsored’ label.

The ads served to members when loading a certain page are determined by auction, with the following criteria applied to determine a winner:

  • Known user data and probability of the member engaging with the content,
  • The advertiser’s targeting criteria, e.g. gender or age of members to be targeted,
  • The advertiser’s budget (pay-per-click or CPM models are usually used).

Advertisers must ensure that their content adheres to the Advertising Code at all times.

Individual content, an affiliate’s content (Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act - AktG), and cooperation partners’ content will not be given special treatment.
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